Healthier patients for a better world
Dr Johan Vlok
Dr Susan Ratcliffe
Dr Anna Rodgers
Dr Kelly Nunn
Dr Will Huang
Dr Thara van der Borgh
Dr Amber Tournel
Dr Simon Coenen-Pirard
Joanne Burrows
Jordyn Liddington
Marianne Irving
Toni Haddow
Michelle Mackenzie
Michelle Roberts
Rachel Moore
Adra Wyman
Annie Hofmeester
Sarah Barron Practice Manager
Carol Lowe
Chris Walker
Karen Luskie
Genny Gumley
Jeena Ferguson
Accredited for Excellence
Royal New Zealand College for General Practitioners

We are a Contracted Provider to Pegasus Health (Charitable) Ltd and fees are negotiated with the Canterbury District Healthboard.
Fees vary depending on your age, your entitlements to subsidies, Community Services Card discount and the services we provide.
There may be additional charges for:-
Accounts not being paid on the day of consultation
Longer consultations or additional services being provided
Patients who are not enrolled with the practice
Nursing services
Skin Checks and mole mapping and excisions
Registered Patients:
Under 14 years Free
14 – 17 years $60.00 (CSC $13.00)
Adults $65.00 (CSC $19.50)
ACC $50.00
BANKING DETAILS: ANZ 011188008543300

159 Horndon St
PO Box 33
Darfield, 7541
Email: admin@dmc.pegasus.net.nz
(Please phone for appointments)
Tel: (03) 318 8511
Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:15pm
After hours: Please call to be directed or go to Healthpoint​